Halo Information Systems

New Apps – Fresh Security Ideas

new apps

new apps

New apps add fun and excitement to our work and personal lives.  We interact with apps for business, gaming, productivity, socializing, well, just about everything!  As someone who can’t walk through a small crowd of people without having my “head on a swivel” due to being security minded, I also tend to view apps from the security perspective as well.  I’m not saying don’t download that new mobile game you’ve been itching to play.  I’m saying pause for a moment, look before you leap, and yourself a few questions.

Look before you leap. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

A couple of things to keep in mind before you hit the download button.  First off, are you obtaining the app from a credible source?  Regardless of your platform, it is always the safest to download from that platform’s store.  While they aren’t infallible, rigorous efforts are made by the likes of Apple, Google, Microsoft, etc., to protect users from potential cyber crime.  Another question to ask is, do I need to be an early adopter?  Beyond the real world cyber crime implications that exist, some new apps can wreak havoc on your device.  Allowing some time to pass can save you time and heartache by allowing those that can’t help but be early adopters deal with some of the fallout apps can cause on end user devices.  Want some other things to take into consideration?  Enter your questions below in the comments section and we’ll get you answers to your questions!

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